Financial Wisdom

November 2020

A State of Financial Wellness

Money has long been the number one stressor for many Canadians, and there’s no doubt that COVID has magnified this reality. It has upended jobs, security, health and financial stability for people across the country.

Millions of Canadians are struggling to cover their bills. In March of 2020, 49% of Canadians were just $200 from financial insolvency1.

While the pandemic has created economic havoc, it hasn’t caused this financial stress level so much as worsened it. COVID has lifted...

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Simple Strategies To Save On Your Mortgage

Buying a house is the usually the most significant financial decision anyone ever makes. Owning a house also tends to have an outsized impact on a person’s overall financial strategy during their lifetime. Buying wisely and choosing the right debt strategy can get you mortgage-free faster.

By just following a few simple strategies, you could live in the home of your dreams, shave years off your amortization and save tens of thousands of...

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Moving For a New Job? Consider the Costs

A job change is no longer just about higher pay or a better title. It can also be about achieving a healthier life balance or simply trying something new. In many cases, a new job includes relocating to a new community.

A new opportunity can be very exciting, but even the most positive change comes with financial implications, especially when a move is involved. It’s good to understand the unexpected costs around relocating. A little knowledge can help you...

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When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.

Henry Ford

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Apex Financial Inc.

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